
Interim Strategisch Financieel Adviseur

  • Nederland - Utrecht
  • 12 hours a week
  • Vacancy-ID:1818

Senior Accountant

  • Nederland - Overijssel
  • 40 hours a week
  • Vacancy-ID:1817

Interim Business Controller Sociaal Domein

  • Nederland - Gelderland
  • 24 hours a week
  • Vacancy-ID:1816

Interim Financieel Adviseur Ruimtelijk Domein

  • Nederland - Noord-Brabant
  • 36 hours a week
  • Vacancy-ID:1815

Project Controller

  • Nederland - Groningen
  • 40 hours a week
  • Vacancy-ID:1814

We dare


Our focus and

knowledge areas


Finance is one of our main focus areas. Modern technologies and a shortage in the labor market are creating increasing dynamics and challenges within the financial domain. DutchDare International knows the best interim professionals who can, and genuinely want to, address these challenges for you.

Human Resources

DutchDare International knows the HR market inside out. By actively working on the growth and development of your human capital, you’re simultaneously investing in the growth and development of your organization. Our network can help you with all the aspects ofHR support. Therefore, don’t even hesitate for a singel second to discuss your HR challenges with us, and together we will find the optimal solution for your way forward.


Organizing and connecting data intelligently creates valuable information, and is becoming more and more important each and every day. More than any of our competitors DutchDare International is vividly aware of the nowadays importance of information security in organizations. Therefor, as part of our vast network of IT professionals, we offer you a wide choice of security professionals.


Of course our network and our recruitment activities extend beyond the abovementioned focus areas, to make sure we cover all aspects of your organization, and hence select the right candidate for any personnel needs you may have. Of course you want to know more, so get in touch with us!

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